Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Babies Are Sooooo Fun!

My second nanny job was for a 4 month old baby boy...remember Aidan? He was such a great baby. He was always laughing, only cried when he was hungry or needed changed, and I really enjoyed being a surrogate mother for the year and a half I was with this family. Everyday Aidan would learn something new about his body or his surroundings. It was so hilarious! One day, he was probably about 5 months, we were both lying on the floor. Aidan was on his little play mat with the miniature swing set above him kicking his legs and swatting at the black, white, and red mobile thing above him. He flipped to his side, facing me and in the midst of flailing and shoved his finger up his nose! The look on his face was priceless! It was fear, mixed with horror, with a hint of "hmmmm, what's that??" expression. He had his finger up his nose for the better part of the day...who knew there was a hole there?

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