Thursday, August 03, 2006

Nanny, Housekeeper, friend, family member, servant????

Through the interview questions, you should be able to determine what kind of relationship the family wants to have with you. Most times you will be living in the house with them and, whether they like it or not, you are a member of the household. There are plenty of families, and nannies for that matter, who want to have an employer/employee relationship and nothing more. Personally, that kind of situation is the farthest from a comfortable work environment as you can get. I have been pretty lucky with most of the families I have worked with. I have felt like a member of the family, not just the household but I've had my privacy too which is so important. The point is, there is a family to fit any nanny and do not settle for something less than you desire. If you do, you will end up being miserable and possibly out of a job. Honestly, families who can afford nannies are generally quite wealthy and unfortunately with that kind of wealth sometimes comes a superiority complex and all the fun personality traits that come with it. I kind of expect the parents to be somewhat condescending but when the kids follow suit, that is not the nanny job for me. Plenty of stories will follow about my experiences with such families.

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